C-TRAN awards GILLIG contract to bring first electric buses into fleet
Updated: Jul 26, 2021
Published by Mass Transit Magazine

Clark County Public Transit (C-TRAN) in Vancouver, Wash., has awarded GILLIG a $9.74-million order for eight 40-foot battery electric buses and associated charging equipment.
More than half of C-TRAN’s current fixed-route fleet consists of hybrid buses and the agency has adopted a 50-year vision that has an emphasis on sustainability. The new buses, which are estimated to arrive in the fall of 2022, will replace eight older diesel buses.
C-TRAN used the commonwealth of Virginia contract to make the purchase rather than the state of Washington contract, citing limitations with its home state’s contract options.
The ordered charging equipment will be for overnight in-depot charging, but C-TRAN is leaving the option open for future on route charging.
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