Second generation of GILLIG’s electric bus performs well at Altoona Testing
Updated: Jul 19, 2021
GILLIG’s reports its 40-foot electric bus scored extremely well in all evaluated categories, turning in notable results in durability and performance.
Published by Mass Transit Magazine

GILLIG reports its second-generation battery electric bus has completed the Federal Transit Administration’s Bus Test Program at the Larson Transportation Institute’s Bus Research and Testing Center located in Altoona, Pa., (commonly referred to as “Altoona Testing”). GILLIG’s electric bus scored extremely well in all evaluated categories, turning in notable results in durability and performance.
Altoona testing evaluates how well vehicles perform under conditions representative of the demanding duty cycles required of transit buses. The testing assesses areas of maintainability, reliability, safety, performance, vehicle structure, noise and fuel economy. The test report provides information that transit authorities can utilize to compare a vehicle against a standard of performance when making purchasing decisions.
“We’re very pleased with these results which reinforce that we’re building an electric bus with industry-leading durability and performance,” said GILLIG President and CEO Derek Maunus. “With each generation of bus, we’re building upon capabilities while consistently delivering a reliable, cost-effective product to market.”
Click here to read the full story on Mass Transit Magazine.